Austrian Fashion – Part 1

Usually when we ask people here in the States about Fashion and Europe in the same sentence, then they usually think of okay, “well there is Italy of course, and Paris.” So far, so good and of course the influence that these huge fashion epicenters of the world have on the rest of the fashion industry (including New York) cannot be overlooked.

Nevertheless, Austria is pretty much in the middle of Europe. And – let’s face it – Europe always had somewhat of a nose whenever it came to fashion. Anyway, we decided to bring you the world of Austrian fashion a little closer and are going to introduce to you a new designer once every week for the next few months. Within a few weeks we are pretty sure that you will be able to see not only how rad Austrian fashion can be but also at the same time, how unique it actually is ;)!

The first designer and brand we want to show you guys is Eva Poleshinski’s EP_ANOUI!

[ep_anoui] is a label that focuses on attention to details and individuality. Eva Poleschinski’s fashion combines exclusivity with youthful freshness emphasizing the personality of the wearer, leaving open opportunities for interpretation.

This talented young designer is seriously amazing and what other way to show you guys then by posting a few pictures of her work.






And this is Eva herself :)…


For more information feel free to visit these links: –> Eva’s personal blog –> The website of the label ep_anoui

One thought on “Austrian Fashion – Part 1

  1. Pingback: Austrian Fashion – Part 1 | Global Yuppie Style

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