World Body Painting Festival


Did you know that every year Austria hosts the annual World Body Painting Contest?


This crazy and unique festival was first held in 1998 and has since become the mecca for body painters to show their unique skills.



What can you expect to be doing at the festival?

–> Well, you can do a body painting workshop yourself or sign up for various lessons in the hopes of becoming a master body painter one day and entering the contest (and you do not even have to find your own model, they will be provided).
–> Then, there are various exhibitions you can attend, displaying various styles and themes.                                                                                                                             –> Also, the body painting festival has become famous for its performances and shows because artists do not only paint models, but also dancers and performers, offering a variety of unique shows throughout the week – think Cirque du Soleil.        –> And, of course, you can take part in the annual World body-painting championship in five categories and cheer for your favorites.


WBP16 WBP17 To Be A Part Of ItWBP25

The event brings together artists, musicians, photographers and fashion designers and, besides the main program, also offers a week full of parties, side events and various shows as we mentioned before.

Next year’s world body painting festival and contest will take place from Monday, July 7th to Sunday, July 14th in ‘Poertschach am Woerthersee’ and contestants are rumored to create even more stunning body painting art than ever seen before ;)! In case you go do not forget to send us in some pictures so that we can put it on our website!




And here’s where you can tickets and check out the program for next year: