The University of Vienna has a long history for being known as a prestigious research institution in Austria. And so far, nine scientists who are affiliated to the University of Vienna through either teaching or research have been awarded the Nobel Prize, the most famous scientific award there is.

Robert Bárány, Otology (1876 Vienna – 1936 Uppsala)
1914: Nobel Prize for Medicine

Julius Wagner-Jauregg, Psychiatry (1857 Wels – 1940 Vienna)
1927: Nobel Prize for Medicine

Hans Fischer, Chemistry (1881 Höchst a.M. – München 1945)
1930: Nobel Prize for Chemistry

Karl Landsteiner, Immunology (1868 Vienna – 1943 New York)
1930: Nobel Prize for Medicine

Erwin Schrödinger, Physics (1887 Vienna – 1961 Vienna)
1933: Nobel Prize for Physics

Viktor Franz Hess, Physics (1883 Schloß Waldstein – 1964 Mount Vernon U.S.A.)
1936: Nobel Prize for Physics

Otto Loewi, Physiology and Pharmacology (1873 Frankfurt a.M. – 1961 New York)
1936: Nobel Prize for Medicine

Konrad Lorenz, Biology (1903 Vienna – 1989 Vienna)
1973: Nobel Prize for Medicine

Friedrich A. von Hayek, Economics (1899 Vienna – 1992 Freiburg im Breisgau)
1974: Nobel Memorial Award for Business, Economics, and Statistics

STOCKHOLM: Nobel Prize Award Ceremony 2010.