Because today is Sunday and on Sunday some people love to lay back, relax, and reflect on the past week, or plan for the upcoming one, we decided to give you guys a bunch of interesting proverbs to think about – little snippets of Austrian wisdom :).


History is constantly teaching, but it does not find many pupils.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

If you owe 10,000 dollars, you are a customer of the bank. If you owe 100 million dollars, the bank is a customer of yours. 

First bake the strudel (=an Austrian desert) then sit down and ponder.

The most dangerous food is wedding cake.

A lazy man is the devils handyman.

When the Dogs dance in the forest Gypsies afoot.

An educated woman finds few suitors.

God gives the wheat, He doesn’t bake the bread.

Success has more than one father.

The hunt is like a dance for men, for women the dance is the hunt.

A light is still a light – even though the blind man cannot see it.

Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty, never grows old.

If you shoot your arrows at stones, you will damage them.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

The earth does not shake when the flea coughs.

What I do not know will not keep me warm.

By the way, did you know that proverbs and old sayings reveal many aspects about the cultural traditions of a society? Proverbs originated from indigenous humble folk and handed down over the centuries, generation to generation. Many proverbs serve as cautionary tales, warnings and chastisement.

And now we would love to hear which one you liked the best from this list of Austrian proverbs. We know it’s hard, isn’t it, with so many great doses of wisdom ;)!